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  • Writer's pictureCara Blanchard

Certify your Health & Safety with a SafetyCheck

Occupational health monitoring is legally required for team members who are exposed to hazards in the workplace such as loud noises and/or unclean air. Regular health monitoring is also important for cementing a company culture where every team member feels supported, and is encouraged to look after themselves.

SafteyCheck by Healthbox
SafetyCheck by Healthbox

That’s where SafetyCheck by Healthbox comes in. These 20-minute appointments are the perfect way to ensure you are meeting your legal requirements for regular monitoring of hearing and lung function, while also addressing other key safety concerns.

Each SafetyCheck assesses:

  • Audiometry – a painless, non-invasive hearing test that measures a person's ability to hear different frequencies at low volumes. Test results are compared to age norms to determine the hearing health of each team member and to decide if further follow-up is required

  • Blood Pressure – Raised blood pressure is a contraindication for lung function testing so it is important this is assessed before any breathing tests are carried out. Further to this, blood pressure is a useful indicator of overall cardiovascular health

  • Lung Function – We decide with your organisation if you need Peak Flow Testing, or full Spirometry assessments. Both tests involve team members breathing through a tube to assess their lung function and identify any restrictions or obstructions with their breathing.

  • Visual Acuity – Near (40cm) and far (3m) reading tests to assess each team members vision and decide they need further assessment with an optometrist for glasses or contacts. The far vision testing is also important to ensure each team member is safe to company vehicles.

Lung function testing in the SafetyCheck | Healthbox
Lung function testing in the SafetyCheck

Healthbox SafetyCheck appointments can be conducted onsite at your workplace, as long as you have a private, quiet room available for the testing to take place in. They can also be conducted at our Healthbox Clinic in Auckland or Wellington by arrangement.

SafetyCheck appointments can be easily combined with other Healthbox services such as our SkinCheck assessments for total peace of mind about your team’s physical wellbeing.

Click below to find out more, or to arrange a SafetyCheck for your team.


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